hello to all new readers that may have found us via marvelous kiddo! how was your weekend?

this weekend was a quiet one for us. sunday jp had the day off so we had a slow morning: ramona and i sat in the hallway, ate cheerios, and drank coffee while jp fixed us some asparagus/brussel sprout/green onion/potato skillet concoction. yum. he snapped some photos on his phone of bean and i cuddling.

tonight jp and i are going out for our first (gasp!) date night out since little bean was born. i bought an outfit at buffalo exchange yesterday especially for this momentous occasion. if you think of it, send good sleeping vibes ramona’s way. if she could sleep the whole time — or at least a solid 4 or 5 hours — that would be ideal for this sorta-worried mama and for diri and dido (jp’s parents) who are watching her.

also, make sure to check out all the other amazing blogging mamas who are also contributing to the sakura bloom sling diaries.


2 Responses to welcome!

  1. Kelly says:

    I found you from Marvelous Kiddo! And I have to say, I really enjoy your blog!

  2. emily says:

    thank you, kelly! stop by anytime 😉

    i’m looking forward to reading about your running progress. i’m working to get back into it, as well.

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