i popped!

this week is where, i think, my belly made the transition from inexplicable-weight-gain to pregnant tummy (i mean, i LOVE potato chips but c’mon guys, i have some self-respect). samantha, the pastry chef at work, was the first to point it out and after that, each day, more and more people exclaim: “look at that belly!”
i’m still waiting for a customer to point it out–knowing that will be when i either a) REALLY look like an undeniably pregnant woman or b) just encountered someone who doesn’t know the etiquette that you are not to comment on someone’s possible pending pregnancy unless they have told you themselves they are pregnant (lest they are not pregnant and are just well-endowed in the torso area).

i’m in pajamas with bed head (and so unashamed) bc we got a call from our midwife this morning that our monthly meeting is postponed since they are at a birth. jonathan and i were fine with this–actually a little happy–since we know one day in july, if all goes as planned, we will be giving birth in our tiny home with the assistance of two amazing midwives and that other people and their appointments will just have to wait for our little bean to be born.

so grooming was postponed, pictures ensued, pancakes were eaten and now piles of laundry are waiting to be folded and put away.
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One Response to EIGHTEEN WEEKS

  1. The Maiden Metallurgist says:

    I love spontaneous pancakes! You look great!

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