line dry your laundry. it’s easy, relaxing, efficient. the clothes smell amazing afterward, there’s nary a wrinkle to contend with (though, dress shirts will, for eternity, be a pain in my ass) and the sun helps to bleach out spots. my whites have never been whiter and my clothes hold up a lot longer. laundry day is saturday and it’s a great excuse to get outside and make sure i’m getting some sun.

it doesn’t make for the most interesting photo-op but it’s one of my favorite chores (if only i could get to likin’ putting the clothes away).

psst. see the yellow dress, striped bloomers, and quilted jacket in the second-to-last photo? recent thrifted finds for ramona bean! these $5 sanita clogs in the above photo didn’t hurt the wallet either 😉


2 Responses to thrift thursdays: line-dried laundry

  1. Kelsey says:

    We REALLY need to do this. We have so much sun and so little humidity, our clothes would dry in a snap!

  2. Alli says:

    In Australia hardly anyone has a dryer, everyone line dries. We lived in Canada last year & became used to the dryer, but I was always super paranoid about my clothes shrinking. My favourite Aussie underwear brand doesn’t preshrink their clothes and I found out the hard way, with extra tight undies making me think I’d put on weight. I ended up buying a clothes airer so we could line dry our clothes in our apartment. Also good for rainy days.

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