A Denver Home Companion | the week's links

over at the powerdriver homestead, we finally feel caught up on life. now if only denver would realize it’s spring and stop dumping snow on us! i see the sun peeking out so it’s looking promising. new days always are. here’s to a productive yet restful weekend!

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3 Responses to THE WEEK’S LINKS

  1. Alexis A says:

    Excited to check out At D’s Suggestion. Looks like a great blog and it’s cool she’s expecting too.

  2. Batya says:

    thanks for the link love, emily! i hope the banana bread came out well. i’m feeling kinda stumped though– the first time i made it, it was amazing. dare i say the best i’ve ever eaten. but then i made it again, and it was just ‘good.’ i can’t really explain how that happened 🙁 aw well, i’ll just have to tinker with it again in a few weeks! i’m looking forward to checking out some of the other blogs you’ve mentioned– i also love the localness of the links (from black eye coffee’s fundraiser to denver and wyoming based bloggers). enjoy this last snow storm of the season (or is that wishful thinking). be well!

    • emily says:

      i didn’t bake it long enough! i thought the skewer came out clean but when i cut into it the next morning the center was gooey. oh well, the edges and baked-through parts were delicious. definitely a recipe i would use again.

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