jp and i got to go to san francisco for four days and SANS baby! it was so nice to be w my love (and not have to wrangle a toddler or worry about nap times etc). big bummer though: the two of us were sick w the flu (or some weird GI thing) that ramona gave us. blech. our plans of eating and drinking ourselves into a stupor were laid to the side as we tried to take it easy, heal, and stomach what we could.
it may be because we were both down and out and feeling incredibly crappy, but i was not as in love with san fran as i thought i would be. it just didn’t seem to have that magic that chicago and NY certainly have. but criticisms aside, jp and i got to experience many cool things that we remember fondly:
- oysters via hog island
- oyster picnic off of highway 1
- burma superstar in oakland.
- blue bottle coffee in the ferry building (and then again the next day at the heath ceramics factory)
- burritos at el farolito on mission
- nap at dolores park
- dinner at state bird provisions
- morning hike at corona heights park
- trying almost one of everything at tartine bakery.
- lunch at zuni cafe
- shopping at temescal alley (i brought home the most beautiful, made-in-san-fran, 100% silk tunic from ali golden!)
we stayed with our friends in oakland and we both really loved that funny little city. travels are always best when you are with locals whom you enjoy.
and being away from ramona for so long?! it went terrific and i would do it again in a heartbeat if our budget allowed. she’s got such good people looking after her when we’re gone, and i’ve got places to see and lovey time with my husband to be had! i don’t love being away from her, but it sure was and is a luxury/blessing of life to be able to take off for some place and know my daughter is in completely loving and caring hands.