phew. it’s done. it’s open. and it was busy and so so good.

there’s wrinkles to iron out, for sure. but to see people eating and drinking and enjoying themselves in the space! oh man. it was a labor of love to get to this point and it feels really really wonderful. i cannot even imagine how JP and his partners feel, as they put in a lot more blood, sweat, tears, and time than i did!

i’m still recovering from the crazy schedule i had this week (office work for the populist in the morning, being a mama to ramona and a caregiver to max in the afternoon, and then jetting back to the space to function as manager/host/presence in the evenings). today the powerdriver family had a lazy brunch at the universal then went home and cleaned our homestead inside and out. finally, we were able to kick back and relax with some chipotle, bota box, board books, and play time with our little girl who hasn’t gotten as much of our attention as she deserves this past week. this is exactly what we all needed.

i’ll be back in full force next week here on the blog. until then, enjoy some more great guest posts.

and congratulations to cora who was randomly selected as the winner of my blog redesign giveaway! i can’t wait to see what you pick out (and i’ll also be updating my shop soon now that i have more time.)

ramona and violet and lacey. my lovely ladies.

psst, our new restaurant, the populist, opens this wednesday, november 14th. bc of the madness that’s our life right now i’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers to pick up my slack and do some guests posts. you’ll see them starting soon! 

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signs of fall everywhere (and now winter since it has snowed this weekend). we’ve been cozying up with sweet treats and the company of friends. and now the restaurant is on its last leg of inspections so we’re busy with server training and getting to know the wines (the fermenting grapes were over at the infinite monkey theorem). it’s getting close and we are anxious to be able to serve the people of denver really great food in a really unique environment.
