A Denver Home Companion | the place where you are right nowA Denver Home Companion | the place where you are right nowA Denver Home Companion | the place where you are right now

this place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you.

wherever your eyes and arms and heart can move against the earth and sky, the Beloved has bowed there,

the Beloved has bowed there knowing you were coming.

hafiz, via here.


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A Denver Home Companion | backyard bbqsA Denver Home Companion | backyard bbqs

invite all your friends over, especially the friend with the pot belly pig. have it lap up your spilled beer and then frolic with (and head butt) your goats.

A Denver Home Companion | backyard bbqs

the tiny pig (aptly named francis bacon) will also remind you of how that pig roasting under the coals (see photo above) was also once a cute piggly wiggly. this will both be weird and amazing.

A Denver Home Companion | backyard bbqs

teach your daughter to pour beer from a keg, A Denver Home Companion | backyard bbqs

and she will bring you beer all night long.

A Denver Home Companion | backyard bbqs

don’t forget the ridiculously-large-sized jenga and ice cubes.

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A Denver Home Companion | valentine vignette

a view of our couch when i got bored during ramona’s extra long nap.

in case you missed it:

and elsewhere on the interwebs:

A Denver Home Companion | goats in the cityA Denver Home Companion | urban goatsA Denver Home Companion | father and childA Denver Home Companion | gymnastics with ramonaA Denver Home Companion | baby barn yard girl A Denver Home Companion | toddler and goat A Denver Home Companion | chickens in the city A Denver Home Companion | goats in the city

mornings are simple here: a breakfast of eggs and sometimes cereal and always french press coffee (currently dogwood). most mornings jp takes care of the animals, and usually with ramona putzing about in the yard. but mornings –my favorite mornings– are when the three of us traipse out there together to say hello to violet & lacey, chickens 1, 2, & 3, and the duck couple (one of them now obviously a male).

we pet the ladies. we toss grain. we fill the manger. we collect eggs. we replenish the waters. we sit on the logs and take in the simplicity of it all.


ramona and violet and lacey. my lovely ladies.

psst, our new restaurant, the populist, opens this wednesday, november 14th. bc of the madness that’s our life right now i’ve asked some of my favorite bloggers to pick up my slack and do some guests posts. you’ll see them starting soon! 

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