A Denver Home Companion | boulder creekA Denver Home Companion | boulder creek

these photos taken at the boulder creek during the saturday morning boulder farmers’ market.

dearest ramona,

i’m so very much looking forward to summer w you: creeks and pools and picnics and walks and playgrounds and ice cream and the zoo and bike rides and the market and hammock time. you love the outdoors a bit more than your mama. which is good for me, bc it gets me off my butt and outside to soak up the sunshine. thanks for being my little adventurous one.

i love you. love, mama.

a portrait of ramona, once a week, every week, in 2013. inspired by jodi’s project.

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2 Responses to 24/52

  1. […] stick makes it easy for me to thoroughly get ramona’s face and ears covered. || not pictured: a bonnet and a rash guard for […]

  2. sarah sibley says:

    this was such a fun morning. let’s have a repeat performance!! xx

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