to celebrate the updated look over at my vintage baby clothes etsy store, ollie’s vintage, i started an ollie’s vintage facebook page to update followers of new items, special sales, and discounted goods.

please click through to etsy and facebook to check them out and consider “favoriting” my store and/or “liking” my page. pretty please?

check out this sweet seersucker jacket for someone’s little boy going in the shop today!

purchases made through the end of september will be 20% off for A Denver Home Companion readers! just enter ADHC20 at check-out. don’t have a little one to buy for or no need for more clothes for your babe? consider sharing this shop with others who may be expecting or buy your baby shower gift here!

One Response to ollie’s vintage on facebook

  1. Alli says:

    Liked your store on Facebook & etsy & bought Lulu a Christmas gift, thanks xx

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