my sister(in-law), erica, has been an amazing source of wisdom, encouragement, and advice throughout my pregnancy with little bean and now in these first three weeks of parenthood.
the cool thing about our relationship is that there are many things in child-bearing and child-rearing that we do so differently! however, through all the differences she has been supportive and loving. and while we still disagree on many things about raising children, she’ll always hear me out as to why jp and i have chosen to raise ramona the way we do.
she sent me this column a couple days ago and i think it sums up wonderfully all the different ways parents can judge other parents. and i’m so grateful her and i did not go through that with each other (well, at least not to each others’ faces!). seriously, read it. parent or not you will pee your pants with laughter.
i love you, erica! thanks for your sense of humor and your patient and listening heart. i can’t wait to see you next week.
Ha! I will listen to anything you have to say and tell you exactly what I think and I hope you do the same with me.
See you in 2 DAYS! Love you.