it’s been hot out. really hot. and this little brick house has no AC. (except for the bedroom but it’s really hard to hang out with two little kiddos in a teeny tiny room that’s not baby proof). so it warms up by the afternoon. a lot. and so we’re sticky and grumpy and tired. to top it off, between the two babes, someone is always teething. which makes them even more grumpy. i was at my wit’s end.

but then i made a lovely discovery: babies (at least max and ramona) LOVE ice cubes. and with careful supervision, overheating and achy teeth can be relieved when babies get to suck and chew on ice. jp and i have the tovolo king cube silicone ice tray (also the tovolo perfect cube silicon trays) and these make the perfect size (LARGE!) cube for babies to play with. they grab them with their hands, glide them across the floor, suck on them, try to bite them, get soaked by them. and they relax and chill out and get very very happy and content. and then i can take a breath and chill out too.

try it! but please please please make sure you are watching baby carefully. especially if your ice cubes are not big like these ones (the disc shape ones seem especially dangerous to me).

and the winner of the mountain vs plains giveaway is nikki kelly of the ambitious procrastinator, who, if having to decide what to do if 20ft hamsters took over the city of denver, said [she] would have to head to Park Meadows and buy one of those terrible pan flute cd’s to play as loudly from my car as possible. (south park anyone?) hamsters and guinea pigs are pretty closely related right?! congratulations! please email me to claim your prize. (prizes not claimed within one week of announcement will be given to next person selected by as the winner). 


2 Responses to ice ice baby

  1. melinda sue says:

    i have a choker for a son… seriously i have had to save his life no fewer (but maybe more) than 4 times (not breathing kind of choking). but he loves ice. these huge cubes look fantastic! i have also been known to put cubes in the pampered chef chopper to make crushed ice for him. crushed ice, spoon, cup, happy baby.

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