A Denver Home Companion | valentine's by mountain vs plains

happy valentine’s to you and yours! much love from the powerdriver clan and all our creatures. we hope your day is filled w lots of snuggles, sweets, surprises, and smooches.

family portrait by paul michel of mountain vs plains, sent to friends and family enclosed in a homemade card inspired by this one. see other valentines from years past: 2012, 2011, & 2010.


  1. Jonathan says:

    Happy valentines day love! So joyful that you are my valentine, always.

  2. Ack! I love the valentines. They look so good! I’d blow that baby up and print it out. Happy Valentine’s Day! Now let’s get some grub.

  3. […] happy valentine’s day from our family to yours! […]

  4. […] our past valentine’s here: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, […]

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