A Denver Home Companion | 28

the photo my mom posted on my facebook wall this morning to tell me happy birthday.

last year i wrote a list of 27 things i wanted to do in my 27th year.

nevermind that i still don’t know how to change my own bike tire and we never took off for a weekend road trip (though a fair amount of air travel happened). 27 was a good year. this past year has been full and good and busy and rewarding. and 28? well, here’s to it always getting better.

rather than a list of 28 things that i’d rather not stress about completing in the next 365 days, here are some things i’ve been thinking i’d like to accomplish, ideally before i turn 30.

  • have a second child
  • pay off student loans
  • use financial freedom to explore other business opportunities (i would love a shop of my own)
  • continue to grow my blog & the solid interweb community of other writers, artists, and like-minded women i feel blessed to be a part of.
  • keep reading lots of books
  • get my butt outside more.

jp has to work today (but he spoiled me rotten the past two days). so i will be celebrating by taking ramona to the children’s museum later on (free day!) followed up by happy hour w a dear friend. cheers all!



  1. Marcie says:

    Rarely did you wear such a serious face!

  2. katie says:

    Happy birthday! I hope that you have the best day ever!

  3. Meg says:

    Happy birthday emily! Glad you were spoiled, hopefully (most likely) it involved yummy food + drink 🙂

  4. Simply Bike says:

    Happy birthday!! What a sweet picture! And great goals for the year ahead 🙂

  5. Happy birthday, you young thing! I wish I had my life as together as yours when I was your age!

  6. Alli says:

    Happy Birthday to you! Your things to accomplish list sounds great. Your own store would be awesome and another kid? That would be a wonderful challenge x

  7. Melanie says:

    Wow, we are only three days apart! Happy birthday week and happy mother’s day! I hope you got spoiled.

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