this is how you looked when you were born on february 1, 2008.
you were a blob of cuteness and i fell in love immediately even though i didn’t get to meet you until about a month later. you cried and pooped and ate and cried and pooped some more.
but i knew you were the best.

and my oh my how you have grown up over the past year! so fast! so BIG! and so happy! your mama and papa couldn’t have guessed how happy of a baby you would be now, but you are! and you can’t get enough of the attention from being the only grandchild/niece/daughter.
and we can’t wait to give it to you.

ask your papa what overbearing is. that’s what he lovingly says i am to you because all i want to do is hold you and play with you and get to know you and have you get to know me!
we’re going to have so much fun, you and i.

happy birthday, chicky boom boom.
you are loved.

One Response to happy birthday chicky boom boom

  1. E Driver says:

    Too cute. She loves you too.

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