it’s the first monday of the month, which means it’s giveaway time!

i’m from minnesota and am very proud of this fact. i’m always excited when minnesota people/companies are doing excellent, thoughtful, creative, and/or well-crafted things. my mom introduced me to dogwood coffee co (she’s always on top of the new happenings around the mini apple). she sent jp and i an article about their then-new coffee bar in uptown. we visited. fell in love. brought it back to crema. crema contacted dogwood. dogwood started sending them orders of beans. and crema started slinging their beans. oh man. now i didn’t have to wait every other month (the frequency with which i am blessed to be able to go visit my family) to sip on that amazing coffee. i could have it every day at crema. good choice, jp and noah. good choice.

their coffee bar in uptown is sexy. and, as much as i love crema, there’s nothing like sipping a dogwood at dogwood. i haven’t missed a visit there when i’m in MN since the first time my mother took us.

image via

in honor of my upcoming visit to minneapolis (ramona and i are probably on the plane right now as you read this), i’m giving away a 12 oz bag of dogwood coffee. just leave a comment below answering one of the two questions: what do you put in your coffee? or how do you prepare your morning joe? i’ll pick a winner thursday evening at 8:00 central time and post it here friday morning. good luck!

also, in case you’re not convinced, here are 50 reasons why minnesota is the best state in america


9 Responses to dogwood coffee co [giveaway closed]

  1. Lorissa says:

    Ha, well my husband is the real coffee drinker around here. That is, until I tasted Huckleberry. I will drink it any ol way-even black. It’s so good. We use a little french press for making it. That is all.

  2. Luta says:

    1 tsp sugar, rice milk to taste

  3. Lizzie says:

    French press with half decaf, half regular, with a little french vanilla creamer, so I feel just that much more fancy in my pajamas at 6:30am while I catch up on my google reader.

  4. YOU’RE FROM MINNESOTA?! How did I not know this? This makes me even more of a super fan. I grew up in Bloomington!

    Morning coffee: I drink decaf while I’m breastfeeding and like a generous splash of organic half-and-half. French press is my fave. I always make my husband’s coffee in the a.m., too — he likes it with made with a drip-cone filter and takes it straight up. A good friend of mine works for Peace Coffee (MN company!) so we drink that regularly, especially their yirgacheffe. I tend to like African rather than Latin American beans for whatever reason.

  5. brandon says:


  6. Ashley says:

    Dark roast coffee made in my stovetop Bialetti moka. I add a bit of hot water for an Americano flavor and a dash of unsweetened almond milk.

  7. mld says:

    I have two macchiatos every morning from my rancilio . One to get me going – and the other one to savor.

  8. E says:

    Two-cup french press–coffee beans change a lot–and always lots of steamed whole milk in my favorite mug.

  9. […] to brandon, lucky number 5, who was selected as this week’s giveaway winner for the bag of dogwood […]

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