DIY shower cleaner
with the sexy new shower that jp built for us, i needed a cleaner to keep it sparkly. as i’ve found over the years, anything that is sold in the cleaning sections of stores can usually be made for far less (and with far safer ingredients) at home. the same is true for shower spray. read below for what i put together.

in a fancy-schmancy (not!) home depot all-purpose spray bottle (the minimalist-looking one i bought at the container store sucked) i added the following ingredients:
–1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide
–1/2 cup rubbing alcohol (vodka works too)
–1 tbsp dr. bronner’s sal suds (other recipes i researched advised adding a combo of dish detergent and spot-free dishwasher rinse [like JetDry] but i don’t own those so i used this instead).
–1 1/2 cup water
–optional: essential oils for fragrance (i used geranium but tea tree is a good one [and a natural antiseptic too!])
spray this on after you shower. i also use a squeegee after i shower and before i spray but i’m also weird like that so a quick spray around your shower and on your liner should suffice.