A Denver Home Companion | things lately

we’ve been moving fast this last month. multiple airplane trips, late nights, lots of babysitters, lots of out and about. this past week we’ve decided to take it slow, stay home more, play on the floor more. ramona has discovered duplos and water colors and rediscovered some old board books. she’s having me read them over and over again and has even tried her hand at “reading” aloud herself. i’ve rediscovered the beauty of slow days and the comfort of home. it’s reminding me of when ramona was a wee one and getting out of the house was a feat (especially with max man full time). i’m enjoying this view from the floor, playing w ramona, a whole lot. being a homebody isn’t so bad. now i’m off to do some laundry before we take a dip in the backyard kiddie pool.

are you a homebody or a busybody? what do you like to do during whole days spent at home? what do you like to do for a change of scenery?

p.s. if you watch only one TED talk this month, make it this one: andrew solomon talking about love, no matter what.


One Response to DAYS LIKE THESE

  1. Thank you so much for the TED link. It’s wonderful and well worth spending a spare 25 minutes watching.

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