A Denver Home Companion | first friday fall fling


A Denver Home Companion | sisters

hi to all of you lovely readers. if you’ve been checking this space for updates, i’m sorry! things are, well, different, and i’m certainly still settling into this mother-of-two schtick. i miss writing and blogging but, as of right now, just cannot find the extra time to sit down and get stuff out there.

but, i will! so please don’t go. i’ll be back soon. i’ve got lots of things i want to write about and share with you. i just need some time to get used to this new arrangement.

in the meantime, you can follow me on instagram (#sorrynotsorry for so many baby photos), facebook, or subscribe by email to be notified of new posts.

thank you all for sticking around and for all the love and encouragement you’ve sent our way. xoxo.


A Denver Home Companion | base coat nail salon denver

base coat is offering one lucky (and local) reader of A Denver Home Companion $50 toward services at the new nail salon! yippee!

to enter to win, please leave a comment below on what your usual go-to nail colors are. you can also gain extra entries by sharing this giveaway and/or liking base coat on twitter, facebook, or instagram. just make sure to leave a comment back here when you do. the winner will be announced next friday, september 20.

which reminds me, i forgot to mention that base coat is doing the colors a bit differently: they offer the best five-free lines in many colors but are committed to keeping things fresh. the colors will change depending on the seasons, what’s spotted at fashion week, what’s hip, what’s not, what’s pushing the envelope. you’ll certainly find something you like and that suits you and you won’t be inundated with fifty shades of pink. you can rest assured that if it’s on their color wall, it’s gonna look good. you’ll also be encouraged to think outside of the box. they even did rothko-esque nails for an untitled final fridays at the dam. and i chose an olive green for my go around, aptly titled dirty martini by ncla.


A Denver Home Companion | posting up

i do! well, in case you were wondering ways to make it easy on yourself to stay up-to-date with my posts, here are some suggestions…

|| subscribe by email. just click here and you’ll be able to fill in your information (which is never ever shared) and receive an email in your inbox every time i publish a new post.

|| facebook. i’ve started a page for my blog and i’ll be making sure to post whenever there’s something new to share with you. it’ll just pop up in your facebook feed. you can also leave comments and interact with other readers a little more easily this way.

|| twitter. i usually will tweet new posts to twitter. so follow me!

|| feedly || bloglovin || (or any RSS site of your choice)

thanks for reading! i hope you find a way to stay connected that works well for you.


A Denver Home Companion | two year molarsA Denver Home Companion | two year molarsA Denver Home Companion | two year molarsA Denver Home Companion | two year molarsA Denver Home Companion | two year molars

two year molars suck. they really do. these photos describe our day perfectly yesterday. it wasn’t until today that i pieced together it was her mouth that was giving her such a high fever and a crappy time. she slept like a rock in our bed for most of the afternoon (that NEVER happens for our little wiggle worm). i enjoyed the snuggles and the quiet day. it was nice to have a sleeping babe close –even on me at times! it certainly brought back memories of when she was a wee one that was more often than not attached to me.

how to soothe a two year old with molars wreaking havoc? here’s what we did:

  • for the fever we alternated with children’s doses of acetaminophen and ibuprofen every three hours. she was incredibly uncomfortable, even to the point of having chills that left her restless and whiny. we found that acetaminophen helped this tremendously and quickly.
  • i took her temperature every hour and kept track of the temp as well as the dosage of medicine. at one point her temp got up to 103.9, which was quite scary as she’s never had a high fever before and i didn’t yet realize it was her molars causing this. keeping track helped me keep a level head before i freaked out too much (having a brother who’s an ER doctor and responds to my frantic texts also helped and is a perk i am forever grateful for).
  • we put clean sheets on the bed, did a quick clean of the bedroom, and sprayed the room with lavender to create a calming environment for her. the ceiling fan was turned on low so there was air movement but no chilly draft. pillows were piled up and all her lovies were close by (green blanket, teddy, pacifier).
  • she got as much PBS, elmo, tinker bell, eloise movies as she wanted. also, unlimited access to her pacifier.
  • we encouraged water and, when we realized it was her molars, gave ramona as much ice cream as she wanted. you know it’s bad when she starts to turn away ice cream!
  • most importantly, plans were cancelled, we kept her home, and i made myself as close and available as possible. she certainly needed it and i wasn’t going to miss out on any snuggle time this anti-snuggler was going to give me.