if you haven’t heard about them by now, well, then, i just need to introduce you to this fabulous denver band, the lumineers.

i found out about the lumineers bc i used to work with neyla, the adorable, kind, intelligent and incredibly talented young woman of the band. the band was just getting started (or at least her role in it was) and soon enough, she was often gone on tour. they were a hit wherever they went. their well-known song (and my favorite) is Ho Hey. do yourself a favor and watch it right now right here:

recently they performed on the late late show with craig ferguson and i was tickled pink. not only was this band i love getting some prime time showing but i could also point to the screen and say: “i know that girl!” 🙂

to my friends in chicago, NYC, LA, mpls, pdx…hell, everywhere in the USofA: check your local venues and definitely go see them when the lumineers make a stop in your town.

to check out their new, full album you can stream it for free here. noisetrade is offering a free download of their EP. also, please consider buying their album and supporting these great indie muscians.


first monday of a new month! this is giveaway time, y’all. and yes, it is coffee related again. i just can’t help myself: i have awesome companies to introduce you to.

this month i’m featuring the amazing coffee from my dear friends over at huckleberry roasters. huckleberry is a local, independently-owned company (just two doors down from crema) that roasts some of my favorite coffee (their blue orchid espresso is ah-mahzing). these guys are new and their company small but already there is a growing demand in the denver area for their expertly and lovingly roasted beans. i am confident this business will be taking off in incredible ways and i’m privileged to call these craftsmen my friends.

photo by luca venter

photo by jake belvin

interested in the chance to have a bag of these (whole) beans sent to your door? please leave a comment letting us know what craft you most admire. me? i have a huge crush on carpenters. oh man, if i could build beautiful things out of wood. i’ll pick one winner on friday and post it here (usa and canada only, please).

for the record, this is not a sponsored post. i am doing this bc i love to help give exposure to small companies doing big things.


kelsey over at rising/shining honored me (a bit ago, embarrassingly) by presenting a denver home companion with the liebster award. she notes: the idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to upcoming bloggers (with fewer than 200 followers) in order to create new connections and bring attention to wonderful growing blogs.

so i’d love to pay it forward. i have no idea how many followers each of these blogs has but they’re near and dear to me (meaning: i get excited every time i see a new post in my google reader) and they are written by women who seem to be really great who also happen to write blogs that are wonderful and truthful and creative.

additionally, i love new blogs. and i love smaller blogs. these bloggers seem to write with more honesty and candor. this is what i need in my life!

kelsey has some instructions if you were one of the above bloggers awarded a Liebster Award by me and want to keep it going:

+ choose up to 5 up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award
+ write your own Liebster award post and tell the world about the blogs you love
+ in your Liebster post, link back to the blogger who awarded you to – it’s like a blog chain letter, but better!


i’ve mentioned salvagetti bike shop before. it is, hands down, the best bike shop in denver.

photo from jerseyguys.blogspot.com

jp has been going to scott’s (he’s the owner) shop for years and we’ve continued going there, not only because it’s the closest shop to our home, but also because it has the best staff and cyclist-community around. through our morning walks to happy (RIP) jp and i got to better know scott and were soon introduced to his lovely wife, jenny. her and i were preggers at the same time and, as i’ve mentioned before, had the same midwife. there was lots to talk about. we became fast friends.

so salvagetti has become a special place to me. happy is no longer there (it’s under construction at it’s new location on s. broadway) but all the great staff still are. i’ll pop in with a flat tire on my  bob, or a bike questions, or just to say hello. they’re kind and fun and give ramona lots of love and good energy. i just really like it there and everything about it.

recently i read this article about the bike shop. it made me all teary and proud of my new city and the incredible people jp and i have gotten to know. and i wanted to pass it on, especially to those of you in denver who might need to find a good bike shop (or are going somewhere else. why would you?!) and also to those of you who are small business owners or entrepreneurs or trying to get something off the ground. to both groups i say: this is how it’s done.

p.s. salvagetti helps us with all of our cycling needs and then some: bob tires, baby helmets, burley bike trailers, extra parts, repairs. you name it, they’ve got it or will gladly order it for you.


oh hi there, max.

i get to spend a little time with you each day monday through friday and, let me tell you, it is a joy. i especially love watching you and ramona hang out with each other. i think you teach her things. she saw you crawling around like a pro and decided she wanted to try it too. she’s not quite as advanced as you but it seems you are showing her the ropes.

there are some days where she doesn’t really seem to give two hoots about me. but then you arrive, or you come out of the room from your nap, and ramona just BEAMS at you. she is so excited to get to spend time with you each day. and people had asked if i thought you two would be friends and i didn’t think much of it bc i was underestimating the ability of babies to recognize and connect with people. but yes, you two are best friends.

and i’m sure one day she will learn to share and you will learn to ask politely. we love you max!