my minka moo,
before i say anything i must say this: be yourself. this is the most important style advice anyone has ever told me and, i am confident, the most important style advice anyone will ever tell you.
you have probably noticed by now that your mother is […]
my minka moo,
before i say anything i must say this: be yourself. this is the most important style advice anyone has ever told me and, i am confident, the most important style advice anyone will ever tell you.
you have probably noticed by now that your mother is not incredibly stylish. i mean, i know a few tricks and follow a few rules but i don’t believe the words fashionable or stylish or trendy have ever been used to describe me. and even though you will roll your eyes at me when you are in jr high bc you cannot believe your mom is not as cool as other moms (trust me, it happens to all of us jr highers) you must realize that i still have style. it’s something i’ve been working on through the years. it goes back and forth, spot on and missing the mark, changing course every few seasons, always with the goal of finding a style i feel most comfortable in. i’m not talking comfortable like socks with sandals (you’ll have to talk to your pops about that one) but comfortable as in the previous paragraph: what makes me feel most like myself and allows me to creatively and honestly convey this to those around me. my style is my wardrobe, surely, but it is also my reactions, my communications, my writing, my causes, my home, my community, my conversations, my actions, my relationships, my habits. it is what i choose to do with these and in these spaces that convey much about my style; lets us know much about others’ styles. and so, because i cannot tell you what shoes will be the best for next season or why one-shouldered tops are apparently acceptable again (i really have no clue about that one) i will share with you some of the “style” rules i find myself more or less following almost most of the time.
smile. but only when you mean it. but find lots of excuses to mean it.
do not read beauty magazines. they will only make you feel ugly (this is a quote from jewel that’s stuck w me).
you will worry a lot less what others think about you when you realize how little they do. pops (the man who will walk in public with sandals and socks) says this all the time and he got it from eleanor roosevelt.
get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water. but don’t forget to find some nights to stay up late and have fun with friends over many bottles of wine (in due time, of course).
buy good quality. buying something bc it is on sale or inexpensive is a false economy (read walden for more information on that). buy what fits, what flatters, what lasts. be picky about what you give a home in your closet.
change your hair color. cut your hair. it will always grow out or back if you don’t like it. also, find a good stylist whom you like and respect and stick with them. don’t be afraid to spend some moola on a hairstyle that makes you feel fabulous.
trends are trends. stick to the classics. or don’t. your mama’s style is pretty much jeans and a t-shirt. maybe some fun shoes and red lips. but if you wanna sport a mohawk or mismatched patterns or lots of glitter, go on with your bad self.
find your own personal outlet of expression. own it.
be kind to people. all people. expect others to be kind to you and others. speak up when injustices occur.
don’t be afraid to leave the house without makeup on. i mean, i usually regret it but it’s totally ok. if you’re in a pinch remember: mascara first. then lips. then cheeks. but remember that you’re beautiful without any of those.
wear sunscreen.
feel free to reinvent yourself — college or travels or moving to a new city are good for that. but do not lose yourself or mask yourself. this goes back to my first point: always be yourself.
i love you. love, mama.
read other letters to ramona bean over here, here, here, here, and here.
this post is done in collaboration with sakura bloom. the sling i am wearing is the essential silk in midnight & pebble. the beautiful photos are by grey paper photography and were taken on the rooftop of linger.
if you haven’t heard about them by now, well, then, i just need to introduce you to this fabulous denver band, the lumineers.
i found out about the lumineers bc i used to work with neyla, the adorable, kind, intelligent and incredibly talented young woman of the band. the band […]
if you haven’t heard about them by now, well, then, i just need to introduce you to this fabulous denver band, the lumineers.
i found out about the lumineers bc i used to work with neyla, the adorable, kind, intelligent and incredibly talented young woman of the band. the band was just getting started (or at least her role in it was) and soon enough, she was often gone on tour. they were a hit wherever they went. their well-known song (and my favorite) is Ho Hey. do yourself a favor and watch it right now right here:
recently they performed on the late late show with craig ferguson and i was tickled pink. not only was this band i love getting some prime time showing but i could also point to the screen and say: “i know that girl!” 🙂
to my friends in chicago, NYC, LA, mpls, pdx…hell, everywhere in the USofA: check your local venues and definitely go see them when the lumineers make a stop in your town.
to check out their new, full album you can stream it for free here. noisetrade is offering a free download of their EP. also, please consider buying their album and supporting these great indie muscians.
first monday of a new month! this is giveaway time, y’all. and yes, it is coffee related again. i just can’t help myself: i have awesome companies to introduce you to.
this month i’m featuring the amazing coffee from my dear friends over at huckleberry roasters. huckleberry is a […]
first monday of a new month! this is giveaway time, y’all. and yes, it is coffee related again. i just can’t help myself: i have awesome companies to introduce you to.
this month i’m featuring the amazing coffee from my dear friends over at huckleberry roasters. huckleberry is a local, independently-owned company (just two doors down from crema) that roasts some of my favorite coffee (their blue orchid espresso is ah-mahzing). these guys are new and their company small but already there is a growing demand in the denver area for their expertly and lovingly roasted beans. i am confident this business will be taking off in incredible ways and i’m privileged to call these craftsmen my friends.
interested in the chance to have a bag of these (whole) beans sent to your door? please leave a comment letting us know what craft you most admire. me? i have a huge crush on carpenters. oh man, if i could build beautiful things out of wood. i’ll pick one winner on friday and post it here (usa and canada only, please).
for the record, this is not a sponsored post. i am doing this bc i love to help give exposure to small companies doing big things.
take a look at who got denver’s best coffee house for food in westword’s best of 2012…
as if there was any question in the matter.
take a look at who got denver’s best coffee house for food in westword’s best of 2012…
as if there was any question in the matter.
have a few minutes? love crema coffee house? wanna let the rest of denver know? consider going over to 5280’s website and voting for them! there are some apropos categories such as best coffeeshop, best breakfast, and best brunch.
have a few minutes? love crema coffee house? wanna let the rest of denver know? consider going over to 5280’s website and voting for them! there are some apropos categories such as best coffeeshop, best breakfast, and best brunch.