each year, jp and i send out valentine’s cards to our close friends and family. i wanted to post this for all of you to give an official HAPPY belated VALENTINE’S DAY! (it’s one of my favorite holidays).

i couldn’t do these valentine’s each year and make them look so good without the help of my very talented friends. i am not a photographer and i have no clue how to do anything on illustrator. but i do know people that do. thank you, luca and brandon.

also, here is a link to a PDF of a simple heart card that brandon created for us, which we used to enclose our valentine photo in. hearts are appropriate all year long so please feel free to print it out, cut it in half, fold it, write in it and send to your loved ones (please credit me if you post it on your blog and please do NOT use it for commercial purposes). it’s printable, downloadable, and free!

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  1. Kelsey says:

    oh geeze, you guys are so feakin’ cute!! happy (belated) valentine’s day!

  2. […] family enclosed in a homemade card inspired by this one. see  other valentines from years past: 2012, 2011, […]

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