otto has still not fully forgiven us for bringing another living thing into the home. to be sure, it does take away from the attention we are able to give him. but he is doing so much better with her than we ever thought possible (he’s a hunting dog that has the propensity to get very [scarily] excited by small creatures).
slowly but surely, they are getting used to each other.
just realized i am way behind in posts from travels. actually, i forgot.
here’s the remainder of we captured on our instagram during our trip to the windy city.
enjoying the last few moments with just ramona (she’s strapped to my back asleep to the world) and myself before max comes over. french press is nearly gone and i’m working my way through my google reader. i’ll be watching max mondays thru fridays. he’s a wonderful 5-month-old who certainly rivals ramona in the easy-going […]